Congregational Care
Learn more about how we Care for one another as Christ's body

Welcome Ministry
We seek to warmly welcome all visitors. Visitation packets available in the Carr Narthex share information about the life and ministries of our congregation, and pastors and volunteers will reach out to visitors who leave their contact information in the pew pads in the Chapel or Sanctuary. We encourage introductions during passing of the peace at worship services so that visitors can be greeted by name when they return.
Communion to the Homebound
Members and friends of the congregation who are not able to attend Sunday worship services are offered the opportunity to receive Holy Communion at their home, assisted living facility or hospital on the first Sunday of the quarter. The elders and deacons provide this service as an extension of the congregation’s worship service.

Meal Ministry
In times of need, the congregation reaches out to provide meals to those experiencing an illness, adjusting to the birth of a new baby or grieving a death in the family. Volunteers organize meal schedules, communicate about food allergies and coordinate deliveries.
Questions? Contact Deacon Jennifer McGovern at jmcgov@mindspring.com