Who We Are
We are a family of faith in Durham, NC, seeking to glorify and enjoy God together
Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church is a community that welcomes all those who seek God and the message of love which Jesus Christ brings. We rejoice and celebrate the diversity of human experience. As followers of Jesus, we welcome and affirm persons of every race, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, economic circumstance, and family status.
The hope and faith which we encourage in one another are gifts of God and part of God’s wonderful promise to be Emmanuel, God with us. As God has accepted us in Christ, so we seek to accept one another: in certainty and doubt, in weakness and in strength, with sincerity and humor.
Come, be part of this gathering of sinners and saints who celebrate God’s faithfulness. We gather together to rejoice in God’s life-giving Spirit, to honor our Presbyterian heritage, and to worship God who has defeated hatred and death. We go out into the world, to challenge injustice with the Good News of God’s love, to serve all of God’s children, and to be ministers of Christ’s peace.
Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church is a member of PCUSA and a church of the New Hope Presbytery.

Our Mission Statement
TAPC’s succinct mission statement simultaneously defines who we are as a congregation and who we aspire to be. The following core values are central to our spiritual identity:
Compassionate caring
With these cherished values established as our foundation, we strive to achieve our vision:
Through God’s grace our church will be energized, engaged and open, and our community will experience our love and care.
Church offices mentioned in the New Testament which our church has maintained include those of presbyters and deacons ("presbyters" include ministers of the Word and Sacrament--aka pastors--and elders).
The elders make up the main governing body of the congregation; this body is called the session. The session is responsible for the mission and government of our particular church. The ministries that our session oversees include:
Administrative functions of the church
The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. At TAPC the deacons oversee the care, fellowship, greeters and ushers, and the welcoming of people into the life of the congregation.

Senior Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Katie Crowe, presiding over communion
Our Current Session Members
At any given time, TAPC has 15 elders on session. Elders serve three-year terms and each year a class of five new elders is elected to replace five outgoing elders. Those currently serving are listed below, with the class year designating when their service culminates.
Class of 2027
Carl Badger
Laura Clarke
Robyn Gunn
Jim Kinney
Brian Murphy
Class of 2025
Caroline Armacost
Mary Gunderson
Tom Hadzor
Jennifer Peters
Bert Wolf
Class of 2026
Kirsten Berlin
Ruth Petrea
Randy Ray
Fletcher Wilson

Elder Stuart Albright and his two sons serving as the Sunday morning welcoming committee
Our Current Diaconate
As with elders, at any given time TAPC has 15 deacons. Deacons serve three-year terms and each year a class of five new deacons is elected to replace five outgoing ones. Those currently serving are listed below, with the class year designating when their service culminates.
Class of 2026
Kathy Asencio
Donna Battista
Jennifer McGovern
Dom Rella
Susan Wyker
Class of 2027
Joan Cates
Susie Gilbert
Cindy Kinney
Susie Post-Rust
Class of 2025
Elizabeth Goacher
Ralph Gunderson
Larry Hethcox
Sylvia Wilson

Deacon Kathy Asencio and her husband, John, helping out with Walltown Neighborhood Ministries food pantry