ONline Giving Form
Thank You for your generosity!
To give online using a credit/debit card or through ACH electronic transfer (like sending a digital check), fill out the form below. You will receive an email receipt after submitting this form.
Questions? Contact TAPC's Business Manager, Tina Petrillo, at TPetrillo@trinityave.org
Fund Category Descriptions
When making a gift, you can designate it toward one of six funds (click the "Give to General Fund" dropdown menu below and choose the fund you would like to give to):
General Fund - Supports the daily operations, ministries, and missional work of the church.
Elizabeth Andrews Emergency Assistance Fund - An emergency assistance fund to support residents of Durham with rent and utility support.
Eviction Appeal Bond Fund – In partnership with NCCU Law School, this fund provides people in eviction proceedings with financial assistance to appeal the judgments.
Hurricane Relief - To provide assistance to organizations working in disaster relief after a hurricane.
Memorial Garden – To purchase a memorial plaque and provide funds for the maintenance of the memorial garden.
Pledged Contributions - Contributions toward your annual pledge.
TAPC Families in Need - An emergency assistance fund for TAPC congregants in need of financial support.
Y-TAP! Youth Retreats Fund – A fund to collect payments for seasonal youth retreats.