Christian Education & Fellowship
Learn more about Christ's many ministries for discipleship education, growth, and fellowship at Trinity Avenue!

Children's Ministries
Classes, activities and fellowship for children, from birth through fifth grade, providing them with the tools to build their relationship with God.
Questions? Email our Director of Children's Ministries, Marcia Floding
Y-TAP! Youth Group
Our youth ministry nurtures a community of grace anchored in Christ that invites, inspires, and equips youth for lifelong faithfulness through Bible study, service, prayer and play.
Y-TAP! meets most Sundays from 5-7pm to offer a time to eat together, learn together, and play together. Any and all interested youth are invited. Interested adults are warmly welcomed to share life with our youth.
Questions? Email our Director of Youth Ministries,
Jenni Albright.

Adult Christian Education
At Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, loving God with all your mind is nurtured through ongoing Christian formation opportunities. We invite all to continue the journey of faith through a variety of classes, programs, and activities. Classes and programs ranging from traditional Bible and theological studies to contemporary issues and discipleship in the world today.
Activities, meals and programs that allow us to discover and nurture the ties that bind us.

Music Ministry
Worship at Trinity Avenue is enhanced by a strong music ministry which includes the singing of hymns, choral music from our three choirs and periodic special music offerings by guest instrumentalists, choirs and singers. Through this music ministry, worshipers have the opportunity to hear God’s message in new and stimulating ways.
Trinity Choir rehearses Wednesdays, 7:15-9:00 p.m. The choir provides musical leadership for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship service each week. In addition, the Choir sings special musical programs with the Trinity Chamber Orchestra at Christmas, Easter and festival Sundays.
Questions? Email our Director of Music Ministries,
Harry Jansen.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer sustains and enriches the congregation, and the ministry of prayer takes many forms: traditional phone/email prayer chain; prayer requests listed in the weekly bulletin; sharing of joys and concerns at committee, diaconate and session meetings; praying for concerns left in prayer boxes in the narthex; prayer shawls knitted to share with congregation members, family and friends; and weekly prayer requests to the session and diaconate.
Contemplative prayer- resting in God- is a core practice in the Christian tradition. All are welcome on Fridays in the Chapel from noon- 12:30 for Centering Prayer.

Weekday School (Preschool)
A preschool program for children aged 1 through 5. Looking for an emotionally supportive, intellectually stimulating environment for your child? Consider Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Weekday School! Since the mid-1950s, we have sponsored the Weekday School for young children who are taking that important first step into the outside world. The school encourages close parent-teacher relationships and parental involvement in all aspects of the preschool experience so that children understand their parents’ interest in and support of life at school.

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women (PW) meet regularly through three study groups which are called circles. Each circle maintains contact with our homebound and welcomes new babies by providing a children’s Bible for infant baptisms. PW values and supports the mission of the church and has led in such initiatives as Backpack Buddies (a program that collects educational supplies for Durham Public Schools) and women’s shelters.

Boy Scout Troop 412
The Boy Scout Troop meets at TAPC on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm.